Terms & Conditions

Data responsible/controller

Processing of your personal data and includes the following companies:

Airport Doctor DK ApS (CVR-no. 37173777) & Airport Doctor ApS (CVR-no. 34469504)

EG A / S Clinea (CVR-no. 84667811)

* We process the following data *

When you are a patient at Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK

The purpose of the processing of your personal data is to be able to provide you with the best possible processing. Your personal data is processed securely and health information is processed in accordance with the “Executive Order on Authorized Healthcare Professionals’ Patient Records”.

Photo documentation in connection with cosmetic treatment is made, cf. “Executive Order on cosmetic

treatment “. The pilot and cabin crew’s data are stored in accordance with instructions from the Danish Transport Authority. Notifiable diseases are reported, cf. the Health Act.

Employees at Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK have a duty of confidentiality.

That means that they are basically not allowed to exchange information with others about your health without your consent.

A consent to exchange information is associated with your current course of treatment. Exchange of Health information is often crucial for a successful treatment and a coherent course. Information may only be obtained / passed on in it extent necessary. The staff will therefore always assess the relevance of information provided.

When you use our clinics, we collect the following personal information:

General information:

Name, address information, email, phone numbers

2. CPR number, passport number or date of birth

Sensitive information:

Health information (we do not store biological material from you)

Before and after pictures in connection with cosmetic treatment possibly. copy of your old certificate.

We may exchange your personal information with:

Insurance companies, if the treatment is paid for by them

General practitioner or specialist

Public hospitals

Other healthcare professionals,such as private Hospitals,physiotherapists, municipalities.

Regions in connection with invoicing, if your examination or treatment at Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK is paid for by the public

The Danish Transport Authority and Ministries

The National Board of Health, Statens Serum Institut and the Danish Agency for Patient Safety.

Access to the patient record

It appears from the Health Act § 42 a, paragraph. 1, that healthcare professionals know lookups in electronic systems may, to the extent necessary, obtain information about a patient’s health condition and other confidential information when it is necessary in connection with current treatment of the patient.

According to the Health Act, section 42 a, subsection 4, other persons who by law are subject to a duty of confidentiality may, by posting in electronic systems, obtain information as mentioned in para. 1, if necessary by account of the overall current treatment of the patient, or if necessary for the purpose of providing technical assistance for the collection of information by healthcare professionals in accordance with the provision, to the extent the place of treatment has given permission.

Staff with secretarial functions can thus both write and look up in electronic systems that contain health information, etc.

When you visit our websites.

When you use our website, we place cookies.

If you are employed by us, we process the following personal information:

General information:

Name, address information, email, phone numbers

CV and application

Social Security number

Possibly photo

Information about possible criminal record

Cf. The Data Protection Act §12.

Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK can pass on the relevant ones

basic information regarding the employment relationship with group affiliates companies within the EU for the purpose of the above purpose.

Certain jurisdictions do not have the same protection of personal data as in countries within the EU / EEA. When transferring your information to such jurisdictions, Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK will ensure that the transfer complies with applicable legal requirements and that an adequate level of protection for your information.

Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK may also disclose the relevant information regarding the employment relationship if deemed necessary

in connection with Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK submission of tenders for work to be performed for third parties.

The information may also be passed on to third parties in connection with third party investment or purchase and sale of Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK or part of which. Upon disclosure of information, the recipient of the information will be required to maintain confidentiality regarding this.

Your rights

You have the right to gain insight into what personal information we process about you

You have the right to have the personal information we have registered about you corrected and updated.

You have the right to have the personal information we have registered about you deleted. Do you want to have yours deleted personal information, we delete all information that we are not required by law to store. Write to help@airportdoctor.dk.

Is the processing of personal data based on a consent from you, can

you withdraw this consent in whole or in part at any time.

Do you have questions about our processing of your personal information or needs for elaboration of your rights, you can contact us:

Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK

Terminalgade 6.1. office 66

2770 Kastrup

Mail: help@airportdoctor.dk


We protect your personal information and have adopted internal rules on

information security, which includes measures to protect your personal data against unauthorized publication, and against unauthorized use

gain access or knowledge of them.

We have established procedures for allocating access rights to those of

our employees who process your personal information. We control this via logging and supervision. To avoid data loss, we implement on an ongoing basis backup. We also protect the confidentiality and authenticity of your data by using encryption when we send data out of our network.

In the event of a security breach that results in a high risk for you,

for discrimination, ID theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or otherwise significant inconvenience, we will notify you of the security breach as soon as possible possible.

Deadlines for deletion and storage of personal data * Patient records *

All patient records are kept in accordance with the “Executive Order on

patient records of authorized healthcare professionals “.

Patient data must be kept to a minimum in accordance with the Executive Order on Medical Records 10 years.

* Accounting material *

Invoices must be deleted after 10 years plus the current year.

* Personal information of employees *

All information regarding employees, such as employment contracts,

hour / holiday / absence registration etc. kept for 5 years after the year of resignation (5

year plus current year).

* Other personal information *

All other personal information is deleted or anonymized when it is no longer relevant for the purpose for which it was collected.

Appeals body

You have the opportunity to complain about our treatment of your

personal information to the Danish Data Protection Agency.

See contact information and more about access to justice here: www.datatilsynet.dk

You can also contact us at help@airportdoctor.dk

Cancellation policy

At Airport Doctor DK we aim to deliver the best possible service to our patients and guests. Thus, we also appreciate cancellations well in advance, allowing us to optimize our daily schedule.

If you cancel less than 24 hours before a scheduled appointment, you will be invoiced 100 percent of the price of the planned consultation, test, or treatment.  Absence without notice is also invoiced 100 percent of the price of the planned consultation, test, or treatment.

Cancellation must always be reported in writing via e-mail; cancellations by phone or text message will not be accepted.  Admin fee of 500 DKK upon manual refund.

If you´re late but enough time remains to carry out the planned consultation, test, or treatment, no further costs will be added.  “No Show” shall mean any patient who fails to arrive for a scheduled appointment no refund.

When booking online you consent to be of legal age and financially liable for the payments as stated above. Upon receiving the agreed service, you can no longer demand reimbursement.

Responsibility & non delivery: Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK shall be under no liability if it is unable to provide the Services or carry out the provisions of any contract for any reason beyond its control including (without limiting the foregoing) act of God, legislation, (pandemic, outbreaks), insolvency of supplier, wars, fire, flood, drought, failure of power supply, telephone network provider failure, internet service provider failure, mechanical breakdown, lock out, strike or other action taken in contemplation of furtherance of a dispute or owing to any inability to procure goods for the performance of the contract.  Airport Doctor & Airport Doctor DK are only liable for the test price and not for flight tickets, hotel, car rental etc.  DISCLAIMER: Airport Doctor is not responsible / reliable for the test result based on the sample collection, possible contamination while in C26 nor during transportation while in Falck´s care. Airport Doctor is not reliable for false positive, false negative or inconclusive results that may impact the travellers journey.

B2B: Terms & Condition for B2B / group is bound by a contract and can only be terminated by acceptance from both parties and or 5 bank days before the date of testing since we are calling in extra staff.